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Updated: Jan 15, 2020

A new year means new challenges, new decisions and new choices. So why not kickstart it all by joining the #earthminutechallenge ?


Each month we’ll suggest a topic for the challenge, a few facts about the topic of choice and a few of our own ideas on how to go about it. The idea is that with the hashtag #earthminutechallenge people share their experiences with the world. We can help each other out, YOU can help the world out. Found a cool vegan recipe? Share it! Found something that improves your mental health? Tell us!


Ever noticed how a breath of fresh air loosens the tightness in your chest? Or how a walk in the countryside can ease those anxious thoughts bumbling round your brain? For this month’s challenge we’ve decided to concentrate on mental health and nature. With the days dark hours slowly receding and stress still piled high on our shoulders. There’s always so much to do and so little time, a walk or run just isn’t in the cards right now.

So, we’re challenging YOU to take that time. Try and spend five minutes outside every day and actively take in your surroundings. Where is the nearest green space? What does the air feel like on your face? How does it smell? What can you hear?

Of course, you can do much much more than that. Like photography? Take the time to go for a walk and actively look around for scenes of nature, who knows what you might see. Walking through town? Try and look up, you’d be amazed by what you miss when you’re heads not in the clouds.

Of course, not everyone has access to green spaces nearby – so, why not bring the green space to your home? I’ve successfully been killing plants for years with my not-so-green thumb, but a simple basil plant gives me so much joy. Honestly, I talk to him every day and he’s brightened these last few months with his presence on my desk.

There’s a myriad of possibilities out there – from indoor activities to outdoors, we want to see what YOU come up with. Still in need of more inspo? MIND has some wonderful suggestions for activities that can help and don’t shy away from getting a little creative.

You have four weeks starting today, make the most of it! And don’t forget to let us keep track of your progress too by using the hashtag #earthminutechallenge . You can use our template to compare your experiences from beginning to end. Together, we can help combat the blues, the racing heartbeats, the worries. Together, we can create a positive space for ourselves and others. We can’t wait to see what this month brings.

I’ll be sharing my own experiences via my Instagram (@anaustrianabroad) and my website and we’ll be sharing more on Earth Minutes.

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